2025 Corporate Sponsors

Career Success Sponsor

Placement Sponsor

President’s Reception Sponsor
Sponsoring CPA’s Annual Conference offers organizations an excellent opportunity to share their product, service, or recruiting needs with a statewide group of professionals in career services representing hundreds of thousands of job-seekers from across the state of California. Scroll down for a list of organizations attending our conference!
WORKFORCE SUCCESS SPONSOR- ($5000 Level) Click Here to Become a Sponsor
- Receives SPONSORSHIP BOOTH: 2 tables and 4 chairs booth at the CPA State Conference
- Receives five complimentary conference registrations
- Receives primary logo placement on conference materials
- Receives primary logo placement on communication outreach for the entire year (all events)
- Receives the opportunity to present and share company information with all attendees at the CPA State Annual Conference in person, or show a 7-minute video if you are not able to attend.
- Receives recognition on the CPA website for one year
- Receives recognition on social media platforms for the year
- Receives sponsorship slides in all CPA Monthly Webinars and events for one year.
- Receives a sponsorship slide in all CPA YouTube recorded webinars and other CPA events for one year.
CAREER SUCCESS SPONSOR- ($2000 Level) Click Here to Become a Sponsor
- Receives SPONSORSHIP BOOTH: 1 table and 2 chairs at the CPA State Conference
- Receives two complimentary conference registration
- Receives secondary logo placement on conference materials
- Receives secondary logo placement on communication outreach for our annual conference
- Receives the opportunity to present and share company information with ALL ATTENDEES at the CPA State Annual Conference in person or show a 3-minute video if you are not able to attend.
- Receives recognition on the CPA website for 6 months
- Receives recognition on social media platforms for CPA State Conference-related announcements
Placement Sponsor- ($1200 Level) Click Here to Become a Sponsor
- Receives SPONSORSHIP BOOTH: 1 table, 2 chairs at the CPA State Conference
- Receives third-level logo placement on conference materials
- Receives third-level logo placement on communication outreach for our annual conference
- Receives the opportunity to present and share company information with ALL ATTENDEES at the CPA State Annual Conference in person or show a 2-minute video if you are not able to attend.
- Receives recognition on the CPA website for 3 months
- Receives recognition on social media platforms for CPA State Conference-related announcements
- Receives third-level logo placement on conference materials
- Receives the opportunity to present and share company information at the President’s Reception, for up to 3 minutes.
- Receives recognition on the CPA website for 3 months
- Receives recognition announcement slide at the CPA State Conference.
ANNUAL Workforce of Tomorrow Monthly California Placement Association Webinars SPONSOR
CPA WEBINAR SPONSOR– SILVER Level ($1,500) Click Here to Become a Sponsor
- Receives sponsorship slides in all CPA monthly webinars for one year.
- Receives sponsorship slide in all CPA YouTube recorded webinars for one year.
- Receives recognition on social media webinar-related announcements for one year.
- Receives recognition and one slide at the CPA State Conference.
- Receives third-level logo placement on state conference materials.
- Become a member of CPA!
- Run for an Executive Board position as Employer Representative in your Region
- Attend a Regional Workshop or Annual Conference to network with our membership.
- Recruiting Panel: CPA is always interested in hearing from recruiters, Human Resource Managers / Directors, Talent Acquisition professionals, and others that actively recruit, screen, and select candidates across the State of California.
Christina Ly
President, CPA
If you have any questions about partnering with CPA, please call us @ 323-689-2505 or email us @ calplacementassociation@gmail.com
Join Over 500,000 Professionals That Utilize Cal Placement
Become Part of Cal Placement to Transform Your Career.