The name of this nonprofit corporation is the “California Placement
Association”, tax identification number 95-3833997, hereinafter referred to
as the “CPA”.
The California Placement Association (CPA) is a supportive leader in the
enrichment and education of placement professionals across all
educational institutions, businesses, and government agencies through
professional development opportunities.
★ Strengthen the linkage between business, education and
★ Enhance the quality and excellence of placement services.
★ Identify and respond to changing needs, trends, and hiring
practices in relationship to the changing demographics of the
★ Generate new ways of expanding the development of
employment opportunities and fulfilling employer/student/ client
★ Provide professional training to aid business, education and
government in assisting students/clients to successfully make
a transition to the world of work.
IV. CPA Core Values
★ Integrity ~To consistently uphold the principles of honesty and
reliability to all members.
★ Leadership ~To provide direction and guidance for our members in
the placement industry.
★ Commitment ~To support professional practices that enhance the
quality and excellence of placement services.
★ Ethics ~To dedicate ourselves to the highest standards of conduct
within our industry.
★ Collaboration ~To network, share best practices and promote
innovation in an effort to serve the needs of clients and industry
★ Accountability ~To be responsible and responsive to our
membership and the industry that we serve.
1. To promote professional preparation, high standards, effectiveness,
recognition and association of placement professionals in business,
education and government concerned with the support and administration
of placement services.
2. To be a responsive leader in the development of a comprehensive, high
quality job placement program throughout the State; and to promote
communication which meet the dynamic recruiting and placement needs
of business, education and government in California.
3. To enhance the quality and excellence of placement services.
4. To identify and respond to changing business needs, trends, and hiring
practices in relationship to the changing demographics of the California
5. To generate new ways of expanding the development of employment
opportunities and fulfilling the needs of employers and students/clients,
graduates, employees, faculty, staff, or any other users of placement
services, hereinafter referred to as “clients.”
6. To provide professional training workshops and conferences that will aid
business, education and government in assisting clients to successfully
make a transition to the world of work.
A. Eligibility for Membership
1. Membership shall be open to business, education or government
agencies that are responsible for placing or hiring clients in the State of
2. There shall be three (3) classifications of membership: individual,
organizational, and honorary life membership.
a) An individual membership consists of one person with one vote.
b) An organizational membership consists of three persons with
one vote each. There is no constitutional restriction on the number
of representatives from any qualified organization or division of the
organization, provided they meet all of the other requirements for
membership. Additional organizational members may be added.
c) An honorary life membership is given to a retiring member with a
minimum of five years of active service and who has been
recognized for personal dedication and outstanding contribution as
determined by the Executive Board. Honorary life members may
not hold office, however, ARE entitled to voting privileges. Annual
dues and conference registration fees are waived.
3. All applications for membership shall be reviewed by the Membership
Chairperson to meet eligibility criteria. The Membership Chairperson shall
review all applications for eligibility. If the Chair rejects an application or
approves an application in a category for membership other than that
which the individual or organization applied, the Executive Board shall
determine eligibility.
B. Resignation
1. A member may resign at any time upon giving written notice to the
Membership Chairperson. The notice is then forwarded to the Executive
Board as an information item.
C. Termination of Membership
1. Membership shall terminate when a member:
a) Becomes ineligible for membership.
b) Is delinquent in payment of dues.
c) Is found to have violated the CPA ethical standards as
determined by the Executive Board.
2. The Membership Chairperson shall notify the terminated member of
their membership status.
3. If a member is terminated, reinstatement requires Executive Board
D. Policies
1. Organizations changing only their names do not have to be formally
reviewed or approved.
2. Membership may not be transferred from one organization to another but
may be transferred to a new representative within a member organization.
3. Any new membership accepted at or after the Annual Conference will be
extended through the following fiscal year (July 1 through June 30),
provided application is received and approved.
4. The Membership Committee shall receive, from the Conference Registrar,
a list of conference registrants who pay membership dues along with their
conference registration fee.
5. The mailing list of the CPA members will be accessible without cost to all
CPA members.
6. The mailing list of the CPA members may be sold, with the knowledge of
and by permission of the whole membership and at the direction of the
Executive Board, only when it would benefit the membership. The cost of
the mailing list is determined by the Executive Board.
A. Dues
1. Membership dues shall be payable in advance on or before July 1 of
each year. The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the
Executive Board with the approval of CPA members.
2. Effective July 1, 2015, dues for individual membership are $60.00 per
fiscal year.
3. Effective July 1, 2015, dues for organizational membership (three
members with one vote each) are $150.00 per fiscal year. Additional
organizational members may be added at a cost of $45.00 each with one
vote each.
B. Fiscal Year
1. The period July 1 through June 30 shall be the fiscal year.
C. Treasurer
1. The Treasurer, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall maintain
financial records, receive and have charge of all monies and deposit
same, including membership fees, in the name of the CPA in a bank; write
all receipts, sign all checks, be responsible for all expenditures and pay all
bills; maintain membership and act as financial advisor to the Conference
2. During the first quarter of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall submit a
budget for the entire association for approval by the Executive Board. In
addition, the Treasurer shall submit a quarterly financial statement to the
Executive Board and shall submit, in conjunction with the Executive
Board, a financial report to the association; shall be bonded at the
association’s expense, arrange for the billing and collection of membership
dues and arrange for collection of registration fees for meetings and
D. Conference Fees
1. Conference fees shall be determined by the Conference Committee and
approved by the Executive Board. Non-member fees shall include the
annual membership fee which will be applied to the current fiscal year.
Membership fees received after the Annual Conference shall be applied to
the remainder of that fiscal year as well as the following fiscal year.
2. Conference fees shall be sent to the Treasurer.
The Membership Chair shall then post new members in the Membership
ListServ Website Directory.
California Placement Association
Christina Ly, Treasurer
10950 Arrow Route, Post Office 2416
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-9998
E. Expenses Related to the Executive Board
1. The CPA shall assume travel expenses of official attendees to
Executive Board meetings. All are encouraged to pay their own expenses
if they can.
2. Those driving their own vehicle for CPA business will be reimbursed at
the rate to be determined by the Executive Board, or at coach airfare to
the meeting site, if necessary.
3. CPA shall maintain Liability Insurance to cover all members and events
to protect the organization from discrimination, sexual harassment or other
claims that could affect its fiscal strength.
F. Annual Committee Budgets
1. All committee chairs and officers will submit an itemized proposed
budget to the Treasurer one month after taking office. The Executive
Board will review this proposed budget and the itemized requests prior to
presenting the annual budget for final approval.
G. Section Meetings
1. Once yearly, each section (North/Central/South) shall meet or as
determined by the CPA President and the Executive Board.
H. Donations
1. CPA is a non-profit corporation which relies primarily on volunteer
members to conduct its programs, provide its services and perform its
administrative functions. The success of our operation and programs
relies upon the commitment and dedication of our members and the
support of the organizations for whom they work. These organizations, on
occasion, provide contributions of goods and services (in-kind donations)
or cash donations to help defray costs that might otherwise be incurred.
CPA welcomes this support when the organizations believe that the
donation will benefit the activities of the CPA and they have the resources
to give.
2. The activities of the CPA where organizations might provide
contributions (e.g., cash, door prizes, gifts, in-kind services, etc.) would be
Section Meetings, Annual Conference, or in the distribution of information
to its members.
3. The President will acknowledge the donation in writing. (The Annual
Conference is excluded from gaining Board approval. Solicitations can be
made at the discretion of the Conference Co-chairs. Contributions will be
appropriately acknowledged at the conference).
4. All donations shall avoid any conflict of interest. Questions or concerns
regarding donations shall be directed to the Executive Board.
5. Contributions to the CPA do not qualify as charitable deductions for
Federal Income Tax purposes, but may qualify as a business deduction for
tax purposes.
I. Liability
1. To ensure that we minimize the risk of civil or criminal liability, Officers,
Committee Chairs, and others acting on behalf of CPA need to observe
both a “standard of care” and a “duty to care” in performing their functions.
Essentially, this means that we should:
a) Ensure that the association conducts its activities legally.
b) Make ethical decisions which support the purposes and goals of
CPA as expressed in the By-Laws, and the Policies and Procedures
c) Perform duties in good faith and with care.
d) Exercise reasonable judgment and reach informed decisions.
e) Follow a sound and thoughtful planning and decision-making
2. With regard to CPA functions, there are several areas which may
constitute a higher risk of liability and vulnerability and therefore need
special attention.
3. Liquor at CPA-sponsored events should be served judiciously with
caution. If liquor is to be sold (i.e., a no-host function), the hotel or facility
should sell the liquor rather than the CPA.
4. Hold Harmless agreements should be used for participants in such
activities as fun runs, bike tours, or other similar types of events in which
injury might occur.
5. CPA shall maintain Liability Insurance to cover all members and events
to protect the organization from discrimination, sexual harassment or other
claims that could affect its fiscal strength.
6. Signatory authority should be specifically delegated to enter into
contracts which could obligate the CPA financially, e.g., hotel or meal
services. When the CPA contracts for services, e.g., hotels,
tour/sightseeing companies, transportation companies, boat companies,
etc., the contractor should provide evidence of liability insurance covering
personal injury. If possible, have the CPA given status as a named
7. In order to have adequate records for our audits, individuals responsible
for our services and programs should adhere to the CPA policies and
A. Executive Board
1. There shall be an Executive Board composed of the President,
President-Elect, Immediate Past-President (non-voting), Vice Presidents
North/Central/South, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Employer/Partner
Representatives North/Central/South, Education/Partner Representatives
North/Central/South and an Executive Assistant who may be appointed by
the President. This Board shall have authority to act for the CPA in all
matters including recommending amendments to the By-Laws. It shall
have the power to fill vacancies which occur between elections for all
officers except the office of President, which would be filled by the
President-Elect for the balance of the term.
2. Since the purpose of the CPA is to serve those involved in placement
and employment, members of the Executive Board should have significant
and regular involvement in these areas in order to understand the relevant
issues, concerns, problems, and future directions in the field.
3. Any member of the Executive Board must therefore meet all conditions
of regular CPA membership and must have direct and major
organizationally assigned managerial, administrative or direct service
responsibilities in either:
a) the recruitment, selection, or training of clients (employer
members), or
b) placement services for education clients (education members) or
c) others who have an interest in the California Placement
Association and/or in placement activities in California.
4. The term limit is preferred to be one year, however if agreed upon by
the President and Executive Counsel, the term of office may be extended.
5. If an Executive Board member’s responsibilities cease to be related to
these areas during his/her term of office, she/he ceases to be a member of
the Executive Board according to the following procedures.
a. Any Board member who is reassigned and/or whose job duties
change significantly should contact the President who will then
consult with the other Officers to develop a recommendation
regarding the member’s continuance on the Board.
b. Any Executive Board member whose employment situation
changes such that they are no longer employed in the field, i.e.,
retire, have obtained a position in a different field, are unemployed
and seeking a position in a different field, etc., should notify the
President and be advised to submit his/her resignation from the
Board. The President and Executive Board will make the final
6. Continuance of the term of office for Executive Board members who go
on formal leaves of absences from their employers will be at the discretion
of the Executive Board. In determining whether to continue a member on
leave-of-absence, the Executive Board will be guided by the following
a) That the individual be committed to and be able to fulfill the
obligation of the elected office including attending Executive Board
b) That the individual continues a relationship with the original
c) That the individual will return to the position left at the end of the
d) That the balanced representation of the Board be maintained.
7. Any person nominated to serve on the Executive Board shall be a
member in good standing. Anyone elected or appointed to an office or
committee shall be a member in good standing during the term of the
office or committee.
8. Persons nominated for President-Elect, Vice President North, Central,
South, shall:
a) have been a member in good standing for at least one
consecutive year, or
b) served on the conference committee or
c) previously served as Education/Partner or Employer/Partner
Representative or
d) as determined by vote of the Executive Board.
10. When requested, Executive Board members shall provide copies of
their reports, or articles covering the CPA activities, to the
Communications/Public Relations chairperson.
B. Meetings of the Executive Board
1. All Executive Board members are required to attend all Executive Board
meetings. Exceptions shall be granted on a case-by-case basis by the
2. A regular meeting of the Executive Board shall be held in conjunction
with the Annual Conference.
3. The President shall select the place or method used for other Executive
Board meetings during the Spring and Fall. The President has the
discretion to cancel any meeting of the Executive Board.
4. In cases where a meeting of the Executive Board cannot be convened,
written concurrence of a majority of the Board shall be binding.
5. Newly elected Executive Board members shall be invited to attend the
Executive Board Transition meeting to assume their duties on or before
the end of July of each year.
6. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called at the written
request of four (4) Board members.
7. Prior to a regular meeting of the Executive Board, notice of the meeting,
containing an agenda or memorandum of the proposed business to be
considered, shall be sent to each member of the Executive Board.
8. Members of the Board are encouraged to pay for their own expenses to
the CPA Executive Board meetings.
9. Expenses for non-Executive Board members are not to be funded by
the CPA.
A. Voting Officers
1. The voting officers of the Association shall be a President,
President-Elect, Vice Presidents North/Central/South, Secretary,
Treasurer, Education/Partner Representatives North/Central/South and
Employer/Partner Representatives North/Central/South. The Immediate
Past-President, Executive Assistant and other appointed Board positions
may be voting Board members as determined by the President and
Executive Board.
B. Terms of Office
1. The terms of office shall be one (1) year, except for the President, Past
President, President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary, who shall serve two
(2) year terms, except in extreme cases where position must be held and
an extension of the office is necessary. This shall be reviewed on an
annual basis until the position can be filled. No officer shall serve more
than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office except when
extenuating circumstances occur such as acts of God.
2. Vacancies occurring shall be filled for the unexpired term by the
President with the approval of the Executive Board, except that the
President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of President if it
becomes vacant.
3. The term of office for newly elected officers commences officially on
July 1 following the election.
C. President
1. Shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and at the annual
meeting of the membership during the Annual Conference.
2. Shall send, or direct the Secretary to send, notices of meetings of the
Executive Board (including agendas) to each member in advance of each
3. Shall call all special meetings.
4. Shall appoint all standing committee chairpersons. Such appointments
are subject to approval of the Executive Board.
5. Shall be the official representative of the CPA to other organizations.
6. Shall make an annual report to the membership in writing at the Annual
7. Shall, with the Treasurer and another appointed person of the Executive
Board, complete signature cards authorizing withdrawal of funds or signing
of checks on behalf of the CPA.
8. Shall extend to all Honorary Life Members and other regional
association presidents and/or members, a personal invitation to attend the
Annual Conference and all Section Meetings. Complimentary conference
registration shall be offered to Honorary Life Members as well as a
personal invitation to the President’s Reception.
9. Shall appoint any ad hoc committees which, in his/her judgment are
needed, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
10. If the President is incapacitated for an extended period or
permanently, the Past President or a current board member holding the
position of Vice President or has held a VP position on the Executive
Board shall assume the role of President. This person shall be appointed
by the Executive Board and will remain in office until a) the president
returns or b) the annual election.
11. At the end of the term of office during the Transition Meeting, the
outgoing President shall present to the incoming President the CPA gavel.
D. President-Elect
1. Persons nominated for President-Elect shall:
a) have been a member in good standing for at least two
consecutive years, or
b) served on the conference committee or
c) previously served as Vice-President, Education/Partner or
Employer/Partner Representative.
2. Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
3. Shall act as Nominating Committee Chair and shall appoint committee
members with the approval of the Executive Board by December of the
year of service. The President-Elect shall also be responsible for counting
4. Shall act as Conference Co-Chair for the conference that will occur in
the year that he/she will be President until his/her term as President
begins. At that time, the duties as Conference Co-Chair shall be turned
over to the Vice President of the region hosting the conference (North,
Central, or South).
5. At the end of the term of office and during the Transition Meeting, shall
present to the outgoing President, a plaque expressing appreciation for
the service rendered to the CPA.
E. Vice Presidents North/Central/South
1. Persons nominated for Vice President North, Central, or South, shall:
a) have been a member in good standing for at least two
consecutive years, or
b) served on the conference committee or
c) previously served as Education Representative, or Employer
Representative or
d) upon the approval of the President and Executive Board, be
accepted as a nominee.
2. The Vice President of the region in which the President-Elect resides
(North/Central/South) shall assume the duties of the President-Elect in the
event of incapacitation or inability of the President-Elect to perform his/her
duties. The Vice President’s North/Central/South shall coordinate the
activities of standing committees and with the Regional Education/Partner
and Employer/Partner Representatives regarding Section Meetings.
3. The Vice President of the region in which the Annual Conference is held
shall act as Conference Co-Chair once the President-Elect becomes
F. Secretary
1. Persons nominated for Secretary shall:
a) have been a member in good standing for at least two (2)
consecutive years,
2. Shall hold office for two (2) years.
3. Shall be the archivist for CPA and shall keep the records of the
Transitions Meetings, meetings of the Executive Board, and the Annual
Conference Executive Board and meeting of the membership.
4. Shall issue such notices as are designated by the President and shall
perform such other secretarial duties as may be required.
5. Shall Co-Chair the Membership Committee with the Treasurer and
maintain the Membership Directory.
6. Shall distribute copies of the Executive Board Meeting Minutes to all
Executive Board members and committee chairpersons within 14 days of
the meeting. (It is recommended that the President and President-Elect
review the draft copy before the final distribution.) Appendices including
copies of all written reports submitted to the Secretary will be mailed to all
voting members of the Executive Board plus the Historian.
7. Shall, with the President and Treasurer, complete signature cards
authorizing withdrawal of funds or signing of checks on behalf of the CPA.
Any two of three signatures are required.
8. Shall transfer all of the Secretary’s materials to the incoming Secretary
at the Transition Meeting.
G. Treasurer
1. Persons nominated for Treasurer, shall:
a. have been a member in good standing for at least two
consecutive years, or
b. Shall Co-Chair the Membership Committee with the Secretary
c. Shall hold office for two (2) years or as determined by the Executive
2. Shall have charge of all monies of the CPA.
a. Shall pay all bills which have been submitted and approved by the
Executive Board per the annual budget.
b. Shall, with the President and Treasurer, or President designee,
complete signature cards authorizing withdrawal of funds or signing
of checks, or make electronic payments on behalf of CPA.
c. The Treasurer will receive and electronically pay, and prepare for all
bills and make a copy of the invoice/bill (retaining and scanning
original into electronic records. All bank statements and checks
shall be scanned and uploaded to the CPA electronic record
d. If the payee is the President, the Treasurer will create an invoice
and make payment(s).
e. If the payee is the Treasurer, the President will create an invoice
and make payment(s).
3. If the Treasurer becomes incapacitated the CPA Secretary and President
will become responsible for assigning a temporary Treasurer until the
current officer returns or the next election year.
4. Shall cause all monies to be deposited in the name of the CPA in a
financial institution approved by the Executive Board.
5. Shall submit a budget to the Executive Board for the following fiscal year
within sixty (60) days following the Transition Meeting.
6. Shall submit a report annually to the membership.
7. Shall present income and expense statements at each meeting of the
Executive Board.
8. Shall present to the Executive Board a financial statement which will
summarize activity within the checking account, the Treasurer’s record of
expenditures, and the balance in accounts at the end of the fiscal year
(June 30).
9. Shall arrange for the billing and collection of membership dues and
arrange for collection of the registration fees for meetings and the Annual
10.Shall turn over his/her accounting books to the newly elected Treasurer at
the fiscal year.
11. Shall file, as necessary, required tax forms and Insurance payments.
H. Education/Partner Representatives (North/Central/South)
1. Shall represent the members of the CPA, particularly education
2. Shall provide written reports to all Executive Board members.
3. Shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of section
meetings and activities including setting dates and offering programs of
general and/or specific interest to the membership.
4. Shall assist in forming committees for membership, fund raising,
research and programs/activities as needed and shall act as liaison
between the regional membership and the Executive Board.
I. Employer/Partner Representatives (North/Central/South)
1. Shall represent the members of CPA, particularly employer members.
2. Shall provide written reports to all Executive Board members.
3. Shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of section
meetings and activities including setting dates and offering programs of
general and/or specific interest to the membership.
4. Shall assist in forming committees for membership, fund raising,
research and programs/activities as needed and shall act as liaison
between the regional membership and the Executive Board.
A. Immediate Past-President
1. Shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board for a two-year
2. Shall nominate to the Executive Board candidates for awards.
3. Shall maintain and pass on to his/her successor a list of potential
candidates for Honorary Life Membership and Outstanding Service
4. Shall notify the President, Communications/Public Relations
Chairperson and By-Laws/Historian names and current addresses of all
Honorary Life Members.
5. Shall provide the Communications/Public Relations Chairperson with
the names of all award winners in categories mentioned above, for
inclusion in the Membership Directory.
B. Executive Assistant
1. An Executive Assistant may be appointed by the President to serve on the
Executive Board as a voting member for two (2) years.
C. Social Media, Digital Communication
1. Maintain CPA website.
2. Provide technical assistance with the annual conference and regional
workshops as needed
3. Assures CPA electronic equipment is in working order and provides
correction or updates equipment as necessary.
4. Maintains scheduling platform ie,: Eventbrite for registration, are
monitored by Treasurer and an assigned board member, to assure that the
conference or event funds are accurately moved to the CPA bank account.
5. This position may be an organization in which it would be paid annually
and can sit on the Board as a voting member or considered a Non-Voting
Member if outsourced to a private company.
A. Executive Board Appointments
1. Subject to the approval of the Executive Board, the President and
Executive Board members may suggest appointing Chairs for all standing
committees within 30 days following the Transition Meeting.
Standing Committees include:
Awards & Scholarships
Policies and Procedures
Professional Ethical
Public Relations
Research & Training
* An Executive Board member appointed by the President.
** Co-chaired by the President-Elect until his/her term as President begins. At
that time, the duties as Conference Co-Chair shall be turned over to the Vice
President of the region hosting the conference (North, Central, or South). The
second Co-Chair shall be an Executive Board member appointed by the
President-Elect, with the approval of the President. The President may also
appoint a Conference Chair or Co-Chairs from the Executive Board.
*** The President-Elect acts as a Chair.
2. The term of office for Committee Chairs shall be one year. Committee
Chairs may be reappointed for a second term at the discretion of the
President and with the approval of the Executive Board.
3. Chairpersons shall appoint members of their standing committees
subject to the approval of the President and the Executive Board.
4. Chairpersons of standing committees may participate in Executive
Board meetings, without vote, at the discretion of the President.
5. Chairpersons shall provide Executive Board members with written
reports of the committee activities for inclusion in Board minutes.
6. Chairpersons shall send copies of correspondence related to
committee activities to the President.
7. At the conclusion of their term, Chairpersons should send to the
Historian all material of potential historical significance.
8. Chairpersons on standing committees must be members in good
A. Awards & Scholarship Committee
1. The Awards and Scholarship Committee shall actively investigate and
recommend to the Executive Board appropriate awards and scholarships.
2. This committee shall also coordinate with the Sponsorship/Fundraising
to fund those awards and scholarships determined to be appropriate by
the Board.
Policies and Procedures Chair
1. The Policies and Procedures Chair is appointed by the President and
must be an Executive Board member.
2. The Policies and Procedures Chair shall preside over the Professional
Ethical Standards Committee.
3. The Chair shall maintain, collect and update all official records of the
association including the By-Laws, Policies and Procedures Manual.
4. The Chair shall keep and maintain a master copy of the By-Laws, and
Policies and Procedures Manual, including amendments to the same and
delivered to the Webmaster to be uploaded to the website for all members
5. Examine all proposed amendments to the By-Laws and/or Policies and
Procedures Manual and report findings to the President who will submit
them to the Executive Board.
6. Incorporate all amendments into the By-Laws and Policy and Procedure
Manual after passage by a required vote of the membership.
7. In the event of a complete revision of the Policy and Procedure Manual
or By-Laws, formulate wording and construction and submit for approval to
the Executive Board. Changes, whenever possible, will come before the
Executive Board meeting at the Annual Conference and then will be
mailed with the election of a new officer’s ballot.
8. Keep the CPA’s Policies and Procedures Manual up-to-date as
9. Function as parliamentarian for the conduct of all official meetings of the
Executive Board and meetings of the membership.
C. Historian
1. The Historian is appointed by the President and must be an Executive
Board member.
2. Provide revised materials to members of the Executive Board within
sixty (60) days after the minutes indicating approval of the revision and
post to Google.docs.
3. All Association records and documents including Executive Board and
association meeting minutes need to be posted to google docs.
4. Solicit from officers and committee chairpersons all materials of
historical significance.
5. Maintain a permanent repository of pertinent information concerning the
formation, history, and development of the CPA and all official CPA
records and documents, and pass complete permanent records of the
CPA to his/her successor.
6. Update and maintain the Conference Manual following each Annual
Conference. Supply Conference Committee Co-Chairpersons with current
copies of the manual posted annually to google docs.
7. Maintain a copy of each position description for new CPA Executive
Board members and Committee Chairpersons.
D. Marketing & Public Relations Chair
1. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair shall conduct activities to
promote and publicize the CPA through membership drives, press
releases, brochures or media exposure and shall maintain liaison with the
California Community College Chancellor’s Office and other related
professional organizations.
2. Advise and assist the President on matters pertaining to public relations
within and without the CPA, including the integration and involvement of
new members.
3. In consultation with the Secretary, produces the CPA’s official
Membership Directory yearly including required amendments.
4. Provide information, at the request of the Executive Board, to the
5. Be responsible for maintaining the original logo artwork, printing and
supplying the CPA stationery to Executive Board members and Committee
6. Shall closely watch local, state and federal legislation affecting the area
of training, employment and job placement.
7. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair serves as advisor to the editor
of the newsletter for distribution to the members of the CPA. The
newsletter provides news and information regarding the activities of the
CPA and its members, including reports of the action of the Executive
Board, committees, Section Meetings and the Annual Conference.
8. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair shall select members for the
committee to serve as reporters covering the North, Central and South
geographic regions, and shall encourage members to submit for
publication material of interest to other members.
9. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair shall review and/or edit the
newsletter prior to publication. Editorial material may be published, subject
to the approval of the President or his/her designee.
10. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair shall forward complimentary
copies of each newsletter to other regional associations as directed by the
CPA Executive Board members.
11. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair maintains a data bank of
members interested in volunteering in appointed or elected positions
within the CPA and informs the President and appropriate Committee
Chairpersons of those desiring to actively participate.
12. On an on-going basis, the Marketing & Public Relations Chair provides
names of potential committee members from the data bank to the chairs of
other committees of the CPA who may be seeking volunteer members.
13. The Marketing & Public Relations Chair establishes internal and
external communication systems, such as a web-site and or other
methods of improving communications in conjunction with selected
committee chairs.
14. The committee assists the Executive Board in all committees as
assigned in the communication of the CPA operational policies and
guidelines; it collects data through questionnaires and surveys.
E. Conference Committee
1. The committee shall be Co-Chaired by the President-Elect until his/her
term as President begins. At that time, the duties as Conference Co-Chair
shall be turned over to the Vice President of the region hosting the
conference (North, Central, or South). If there is no President-Elect, the
President shall select a Co-Chair to support the Vice President. The
President may also appoint a Conference Chair or Co-Chairs from the
Executive Board.
2. The second Co-Chair shall be an Executive Board member appointed
by the President-Elect, with the approval of the President. The
Chairpersons may appoint committee members.
3. Select site at least one year, preferred to select the site two years in
4. The committee shall recommend to the Executive Board sites and
facilities for the Annual Conference, including recommendations when
applicable, concerning travel agents and official carriers, and negotiate
and execute appropriate contracts.
5. Research and inspect potential sites and facilities for the CPA’s Annual
Conference, bearing in mind the practice of yearly rotating conferences
between the North/Central/South.
6. Consult with the President prior to recommending a site to the
Executive Board, and when feasible, visit the site.
7. Execute, for the CPA, formal agreements and contracts with hotel
properties regarding the pricing and confirmation of meeting spaces,
meals and lodging.
8. When appropriate, the Co-Chairpersons are encouraged to consult with
the CPA members living in the area being considered to obtain
recommendations or to elicit opinions regarding their experience with a
9. No conference or other meeting sponsored by the CPA should be
scheduled on a legal holiday.
10. Suggested responsibilities for committee members include:
a) Facilities,
b) Finance (Treasurer acts as financial advisor,)
c) Program,
d) Publicity,
e) Reporting, and
f) Special Events/Activities.
11. The Conference Committee budget shall be approved by the
Executive Board and receipts and expenditures shall be filed with the
association’s Treasurer. At the end of the conference, a completed
financial report shall be submitted to the Executive Board through the
12. The Conference Committee shall distribute a Conference Attendance
List to each conference participant.
13. Regular CPA members who serve as leaders or speakers in the
conference (or pre-conference) program shall not receive complimentary
conference registration or honoraria. Executive Board approval is required
for exceptions, i.e., when participation requires an extra night’s lodging.
14. Presenters and Key-Note speakers may have their transportation and
lodging paid by CPA.
15. Each Conference Committee is expected to establish a refund policy
and abide by it.
16. Representatives of recognized news reporting media may be invited to
attend and report conference activities in their publications on an open
basis, but official conference reports shall not be made available for news
17. Co-chairpersons are to maintain close contact with the President
clearing all questions which are not covered in the Conference Manual
through him/her or his/her designee before taking action.
18. Decisions regarding exhibits, including amounts to charge at Annual
Conferences, will be made at the discretion of the Conference Co-chairs.
19. The Conference Co-Chairs shall keep in close contact with the
Executive Board to discuss the financial status of the CPA relative to
conference income and expenditure expectations.
20. Each conference should be scheduled to allow all committees to meet
prior to the first conference program.
F. Membership Committee
1. The Treasurer and/or Web Master will accept registration through the
website. New registrations and member names shall be recorded for
inclusion in the Membership Directory on the web site.
2. The Membership Committee shall establish and maintain the official
membership list and provide regular reports to the Executive Board
regarding the number of members in each category of membership.
3. Have printed and maintained an adequate supply of membership
application forms for face to face conferences, revising them as necessary
and updating the website with the new application.
4. Coordinate with the Treasurer and or Web Master, the notification of
annual membership renewals.
5. This committee shall also update and coordinate with the Public
Relations Chair to publish, print and update websites for easy distribution
of the annual Membership Directory.
G. Nominating Committee
1. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the President-Elect. The
Committee shall make nominations with due consideration to the By-Laws
requirements and availability of nominee’s time to devote to the elected
assignment. If there is no President Elect, the responsibility will default to
the Past-President or President.
2. No current voting Executive Board member shall be eligible to serve on
the Nominating Committee nor may any members running for election.
3. The Committee shall, prior to the Annual Conference, distribute in
writing to all CPA voting members, a nominating ballot containing a place
for a minimum of two (2) candidates for each office to be filled, except for
the office of the President, Secretary and Treasurer (if his/her term is not
yet complete).
4. At the Annual Conference, the Committee Chair shall accept
nominations from the floor.
5. Following the Annual Conference, the Committee shall mail an Official
CPA Ballot to all dues paying members requesting they be returned to the
President-Elect for counting by April 15th. The ballot shall also provide a
provision for write-in candidates.
6. Once ballots are counted, the President shall notify the Executive Board
and following approval, shall contact all nominees with the election results.
H. Professional Ethical Standards Committee
1. The Professional Ethical Standards Committee is chaired by the
Policies and Procedures Chair.
2. These standards were developed as a guide to ethical practices for
individuals in the process of counseling, placing, and employing clients.
Those engaged in this process should be aware of and should adhere to
all government regulations applying to employment.
3. Employer Organizations:
1) In recruiting activities, the employing organization is expected to
assume responsibility for all representations made in its name and
in accordance with these ethical standards.
2) Employers should make a full and accurate presentation of all
relevant job information.
3) Special payments, gifts, or other inducements should not be
offered to unduly influence the employment decisions of clients.
4) Clients and employers should make every effort to discuss and
mutually agree to reasonable time limits for employment decisions.
5) An employment offer is a contractual agreement that should be
6) Individual salary offers made by other employers should not be
solicited by an employer.
7) Employers should request only those services that placement
professionals can legally provide.
8) Employers should honor the policies and procedures of
individual institutions.
b) Placement Professionals:
1) Placement Professionals should provide, on a uniform basis to
all employers and clients, only those services which they can
legally provide.
2) Should respect the confidentiality of information disclosed by
clients and should disseminate only that information which is legal
and which has been authorized by the client.
3) The client’s freedom of choice in the selection of a position
should be protected from undue influence by placement
professionals and employees.
4) Pertinent information about the institution should be made
available to employers by placement professionals
5) Individual salary offers by an employer should not be divulged to
other employers.
c) Clients:
1) Clients should adequately prepare for the employment process
and should make a full and accurate presentation of their
qualifications and interests.
2) Reimbursement for visits at an employer’s expense should be
only for those expenditures pertinent to the trip. If other employers
are visited on the same trip, the cost should be prorated.
3) An invitation to visit an employer’s premises should be
acknowledged promptly and should be accepted only when there is
a sincere interest in a position with that employer. Arrangements
should be made sufficiently in advance to permit mutual
confirmation of dates.
4) Clients should honor the policies and procedures of their institution.
5) It is the client’s responsibility to notify employers of acceptances
or rejections of job offers as soon as possible and not later than the
deadline established by the employer or by a time mutually agreed
6) An employment offer is a contractual agreement that should be
honored. Upon acceptance of an offer, clients should withdraw from
the employment process and should notify the placement
professional and other employers with offers pending.
I. Research & Training Committee (A part of the Conference Committee)
1. This Committee shall engage in research projects relating to the field of
educational training, selection and placement, and disseminate the results
of the research to the members of the CPA.
2. Select topics of broad interest within the CPA and conduct research in
such fields for the general information of the membership.
3. Select topics which can normally be researched by means of
questionnaires and literature searched.
4. Publish or otherwise make available to the members of the CPA the
results of the research accomplished.
5. Responsible for serving as the body of the CPA to which questions of
general interest in recruitment and placement may be referred for study
and answers.
6. Shall establish goals and implement professional training meetings and
materials when and where appropriate.
7. Separate budgeting and expenditure records and project requests
should be maintained for research and training activities.
A. Honorary Life Membership
1. The Immediate Past-President shall be assigned responsibility for
selecting, nominating, and presenting to the Executive Board for their
approval of candidates for this award, and for maintaining a list of all
recipients with current addresses.
2. To quality for Honorary Life Membership in the CPA, a member
representative must:
a. No longer be actively engaged in placement, recruitment, or
other areas allied to job placement, either because of
retirement or movement out of the field.
b. Have made in his/her association with the CPA “substantial
contribution” to the work and growth of the CPA and to the
professional field of endeavor which it encompasses. Criteria
for determining “substantial contribution” may include:
c. Service with distinction in at least two of the following
* Executive Board member,
* Committee Chairperson, or
* Conference Co-Chair of CPA
3. Contributing factors:
a. A minimum of five years of good standing and continuous active
b. Participation in committee activities, conference programs, etc.
c. Contributions toward professional development through published
research, other writings, speeches, etc.
d. The award may be delivered at the Annual Conference following
the retirement of an eligible member if the retirement has been
clearly announced and will occur within six months of the
e. Honorary Life Membership includes lifetime membership with voting
privileges without payment of dues and complimentary registration
to the Annual Conference. Honorary Life Members may hold
Executive Board office and are automatically renewed annually until
the member formally resigns.
f. The Immediate Past-President shall also be guided, though not
restricted, by a point system outlined below in determining
qualifications for awards. It is recommended that a candidate for
Honorary Life Membership have at least 4,200 points or
recommendation by the Executive Board.
C. Point System for Awards
Points Per Term Of Office:
Executive Board Points
● President 500
● President-Elect 300
● Past-President 300
● Vice President North/Central/South 300
● Secretary (term is 2 years) 600
● Treasurer (term is 2 years) 600
● Employer Rep. North/Central/South 300
● Education Rep. North/Central/South 300
● Executive Assistant 200
CPA Standing Committee Chairs
● Chairs of Standing Committee 300
● Co-Chairs of Standing Committee 150
CPA Annual Conference
● Co-Chair of Annual Conference 300
● Member of Conference Committee 100
● Main Speaker 100
● Presenter/Speaker/Moderator 75
● Panel Member 50
● Official CPA representative to other professional organization 300
● Contributions toward development of the profession through
research, articles, speakers, books, etc. 25-100
Years of Membership in CPA
● 05 to 09 – 50
● 10 to 14 – 100
● 11 to 19 – 150
● 20 to 24 – 200
● 25 to 29 – 250
● 30 plus – 300
(Points should be prorated for partial terms.)
D. Joan Crocker Service Award
1. The Joan Crocker Service Award was established by the CPA
Executive Board on November 17, 1973, to honor the memory of Joan
Crocker, Placement Director at Los Angeles City College. Joan was a
founding member of the California Community College Placement
Association (CCCPA), now the California Placement Association (CPA).
2. The Selection Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of the
section hosting the Annual Conference (who is usually the Awards and
Scholarships Chair also). The Vice President will select two committee
members (one from each of the remaining sections.) Preference for
committee membership shall be given to past recipients of the Joan
Crocker Award. To avoid any conflict of interest, Committee members may
not participate in the process of nominating a Joan Crocker Award
recipient. A majority vote of the committee shall elect the recipient of that
year’s award.
3. Criteria for Nomination:
a. the award recognizes a member who has demonstrated
exceptional commitment and dedication to this organization and job
b. nominees must have been an active member of the CPA for a
minimum of five (5) years;
c. will have exhibited an active interest and demonstrated
exceptional ability in serving the concerns and goals of
students/clients, business, education and government;
d. and in all areas carried out the goals, objectives and purposes of
the CPA;
e. additional criteria may include: members who have served on the
Executive Board; a standing or ad-hoc committee; official CPA
representative to other professional organizations; or contributions
toward development of the profession through research, articles,
speakers, books, etc.
4. Approximately two (2) months prior to the Annual Conference, the Vice
President shall mail Nomination Forms to all members in good standing.
Any member of the Association may nominate one or more individuals.
Those making nominations should complete a Nomination Form, listing
the qualifying data for each nominee based on the above criteria.
E. Certificate of Appreciation
1. The President shall be assigned the responsibility for selecting and
notifying the Executive Board of those individuals who, in his or her
judgment, have made a special contribution or who have completed an
assignment of special significance to the CPA to receive a Certificate of
Appreciation. The Executive Board is encouraged to recommend
candidates for this certificate to the President. Certificates of Appreciation
may also be awarded to those individuals who participate in Section
Meetings or the Annual Conference.
2. The Immediate Past-President shall be responsible for preparing the
Certificate for presentation by the President or his or her designee. Time
of the presentation shall be at the discretion of the President.
A. Executive Board Members
1. An Executive Board member of the California Placement Association
shall not be personally liable for monetary damages for any action taken,
or any failure to take action, as an Officer unless:
a) The Officer has breached or failed to perform the duties of his/her
office, and
b) The breach or failure to perform constitutes gross negligence and
intentional wrongdoing.
A. Indemnification Against Liability
1. The California Placement Association may indemnify each Officer or
Agent acting on its behalf against liability and all or part of any expenses,
including attorney’s fees, incurred in connection with any legal action in
which the Officer or Agent is made a defendant by reason of his/her good
faith efforts on behalf of the CPA. This indemnification does not extend to
conduct deemed by the CPA to have been undertaken in bad faith or
contrary to any rule or policy of the CPA. As a condition of receiving
indemnification, the Officer or Agent shall allow the CPA to appoint
counsel for him/her and shall agree to a coordinated defense to the extent
deemed appropriate by the CPA.
2. Counsel appointed for the Officer or Agent may, at the discretion of the
CPA, be the same as counsel appointed to represent the CPA and/or other
Officers and Agent.
3. The CPA shall also determine the extent of its financial commitment to
indemnify and reimburse expenses based on the circumstances of each
case and the financial viability of the CPA at the time.
1. The California Placement Association is committed to affirmative action
in its membership and election procedures and in its activities, as well as
to the support of employment and placement of individuals regardless of
their race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual
orientation or disability.
California Placement Association (www.calplacement.org)
10950 Arrow Rte, Post Office 2416, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-9998
Updated 5-21-2018 updated 7-30-2020 updated 7-12-2021 AS; updated 7-31-2021 AS updated 8-4-2021 AS; Updated 9-22-2021 AS RR DC and CL
Updated with AS and CL 7-14-2023 Highlights and strikethroughs to be removed after board approval at the Transition meeting 7-20-2023 Corrections
approved and all highlights and strikethroughs removed on 8-3-2023. XLLL,A, e, 3 “and are automatically renewed annually until the member formally
resigns was added 8-3-23 by Ann Steinberg approved by Christinal Ly, President.